The Jogging Jeweler #43

The Jogging Jeweler #43
| Shared Space |
Now that the final Route 9 survey has concluded, what should we do?
1st - Let's Review
What about that Route 9 survey? Did you take it? Did you like what you saw? I heard mixed feelings - understandably so, but what we need to keep in mind is that our roads were built a long time ago. Our vehicles are now larger, faster, and most families have more than one.
Point. Of. View.
Those bike lanes...
Recently Lohud wrote an article speaking with a local bicyclist and why he chooses to ride on Route 9. What I found as an important point of reflection during this article was that I was wishing that someday when my daughter learns to ride her bicycle I am not terrified to let her go out and do it alone. The speeds, driver attitudes, lack of attention, confusing road changes all need mending. Growing up in the Midwest we had sidewalks to get around town, they were built as the community grew - that clearly didn't happen around here.
Also recently published by the Village of Tarrytown is a statement that seems like a slight change of tune to a prior letter that made the Village of Tarrytown seem anti-bike friendly. This recently published statement reveals that the Village of Tarrytown has heard the voices of its residents and that it looks forward to cooperating on developing areas for safer travel for cyclists only where parking will not be impacted.
Sharing is Caring
A couple of weeks ago Vox published this video about Shared Spaces - the idea that removing signs, lights, crosswalks, and lanes to develop one arena for everyone to share could be a potential solution.
I think this idea could work well in a few areas - Route 9? Maybe not along its entirety, but what if this was an idea we approached in our Downtown areas?
Last Spring the Dobbs Ferry Chamber of Commerce (aka - The Rivertowns Chamber) published and sent an initiative called The Fast Five to the Mayor and Board of Trustees in Dobbs Ferry. One of the those five items suggested placing Pedestrian Zone signs in the downtown area along Cedar and Main Street, areas that lack crosswalks, speed limit signs, and have limited visibility for drivers and pedestrians alike.
While pedestrian zones typically mean no vehicles, perhaps we in Dobbs Ferry can re-develop that idea into a Pedestrian Sharing Zone, alerting drivers to the fact that they are driving through an area dominated by pedestrians and should drive slowly with caution. Think about how you (should) drive through a school parking lot, near the train station, or in a busy parking lot - slowly, slightly leaning forward, on high alert for pedestrians crossing at any moment.
Top of the Mind
A quick list of things for the near future:
- Dobbs Ferry will be redoing sidewalks soon - Let's use that to our advantage to create safer, more visible, and easier crossings for our students, seniors, handicap, and visitors.
- Route 9 Survey has our leaders attention - This survey allowed the public to speak up, do not let this forum die. Ask your local BOT and Mayor to consider proactively enhancing our communities based on the suggestions. Enhancements to our infrastructure do not need to happen just along Route 9.
- See something? Say something! - See a broken sidewalk? A busy intersection without a crosswalk? Snap a photo and email it to your local DPW, BOT, Village Admin, and/or Mayor. Politely let them know, that people are using broken or unsafe intersections and it will help keep it top of mind for them.
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