The Jogging Jeweler #20

The Jogging Jeweler
| About Dem' Curbs - HOH |
Following up on a previous blog about the frequent curbs encountered on a recent run in Hastings. When we posted our blog to the 10706 page we received a few comments and suggestions - which were taken seriously and followed through on. The comments basically eluded to emailing the HOH board a Notice of Defect - to which we titled our email.
The Email.
I hope this email brings awareness and solutions.
The Reply.
Matthew Hobby
Amy Lambert
James Nolan
Jeanette Sawyer Cohen
Dan Sbrega
Samantha Wilt
Richard Bass
Andrew Ratzkin
Liaison to the Conservation Commission |
Mary McDonald
Now What?
Well - residents of good ol' Hastings on Hudson - make sure this group of people follows through.
- Write them emails sharing my blog posts, whether its this one or #11, or new ones.
- When you see them working on your roads, shoot them an email saying make sure you fix that curb there!
- Send them pictures of other issues in town that need addressing.
- And... be nice! Momma always said - Kill 'em with kindness! There's enough negativity and hostility in the world, we don't need to be gettin' nasty over some curbs.
Why do we have to remind them? - Because they are human and likely volunteer for these positions. They are not omnipresent and your reminders, which are hopefully gentle reminders, are in fact helpful. Sure - they've likely been pointed out the issues, but have you ever gone to the grocery store needing 5 items and after you pick up 4 of the 5 you can not remember what that last, 5th item was... Being in the arena of volunteering for the greater interest of the public requires a lot of remembering - I forget all the time!
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