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Alice & Chains Jewelry logo


The Jogging Jeweler #2

The Jogging Jeweler #2

The Jogging Jeweler

| About Me |

My running began at Sioux Passage Park in Missouri in 1999. We moved to the Rivertowns in August 2014, first residing in Irvington and finally purchasing a home in Dobbs Ferry, NY. Upon discovering the Old Croton Aqueduct I upgraded to a running stroller and began regularly running to Hastings, Tarrytown, and through Dobbs.

Running with your child sets a new standard for safety as you are much larger, slower, and less agile. I first added colorful ribbons, hoping their movement would capture drivers attention and help avoid near misses. However that wasn’t enough, I upgraded to a headlight like bicyclists often use. Still using that dusk, on cloudy or rainy days I also upgraded my running wardrobe to be more colorful as the standard black workout gear felt camouflaging. The Rivertowns are based along the hillside of the Hudson River with sharp, blind turns, steeply graded hills, and many distracted and speedy drivers. In addition to my local experiences as a runner, I live along a major roadway with my jewelry studio facing a dangerous intersection that puts pedestrians and motorists lives at peril daily. And I’ve had enough.

I plan to wear a Go-Pro strapped to a baseball cap to record my experiences with on the roads, with drivers, crosswalks, sidewalks, the Old Croton Aqueduct, other pedestrians, wildlife, and who knows what else. I will abide by the rules of the road for pedestrians, however, do note that I am not perfect and at times may make mistakes or fall down.

Hang in there while I learn the Go Pro, uploading to my Youtube channel, video editing, mapping, and who knows what else. I am open to suggestions, editing short cuts, Go Pro tips, running buddies, route suggestions, and whatever else my local friends feel needs expressing to help enhance the safety for pedestrians in our area!

Want me to run in your neighborhood?

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